Thinking about Advertising your job...

Arise the Independent Recruitment Specialist Agencies!   Increased redundancies, reduced numbers of vacancies, vast numbers of candidates. Could The Independent…

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Jo van Riemsdijk CX Talent Ltd

How to make Recruitment Better.

Poor Candidate Experience can damage your Brand. Kate and I have not always been in recruitment – I personally have…

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BE PREPARED for your video...

If you are preparing for an interview or even looking for your next role – take the time to have…

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BEing KIND in recruitment –...

BEing KIND in recruitment – AND WHY IT MATTERS   Businesses and recruiters who are able to empathise and act…

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No Job? Redundancy? A Personal...

Have you Lost your Job? Are you panicking? Read my personal story about what I went through, what not to…

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Jo's Top 10 Job Searching Tips

Could now be the time...

Should you have a Chief Customer Officer on the Board? Is now the right time to invest in Senior Customer…

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If you, like us, watched so much news you started to stress about it at the beginning of lockdown, you…

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Jo van Riemsdijk CX Talent Ltd

How is the Recruitment Market...

Increased redundancies, reduced numbers of vacancies, vast numbers of candidates. Could The Independent Specialist Recruiter be the answer? From August…

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What does the future hold...

So, what does the world hold in terms of recruitment for CX professionals moving forward?! That – is the million…

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Recruiting for Customer Experience Teams...

Every business approaches Customer Experience differently, and is at a different stage of maturity. How specific CX roles emerge within…

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